Money Back Product Guarantee / Complaint Procedure

90 Day Guarantee

Product Guarantee

90 day (3 month) Product Guarantee. We want your complete satisfaction on every order, and we back that up with a full money back guarantee. Discus Group’s policy is either you love your final project and keep it, or we will replace or refund your money if there is a defect we have caused. Any production errors or flawed merchandise will be immediately replaced or refunded. Just return the product to us. See below on how to do this.


We monitor each aspect of your order to ensure quality and consistency. Every manufactured disc is individually checked for errors, and once your project is complete a quality specialist manually listens to or watches a final copy of your disc to compare to your supplied master and catch any potential issues prior to packaging. This is an extra step no other disc manufacturer takes, but we strive to make sure each and every order is 100% accurate before it leaves our plant.


In the event that a product Discus Group has manufactured discs which are not of merchantable quality, the company shall replace the product for the customer.

The returns procedure

  1. Clients with a product which demonstrably fails to be of merchantable quality MUST notify Discus Group of the fact within 5 days of receipt of product or defect.
  2. Discus Group will provide a Customer Complaint Report (CCR) form which MUST be returned by the client fully completed.
  3. If order placed falls below 500 units, five discs should be returned with quality control form for initial inspection. For orders above 500 units, ten discs should be returned for initial inspection.
  4. Discus Group will evaluate discs returned to determine any cause of fault and the production remedy required. The evaluation process usually takes 48 hours but can take up to 14 days depending on the nature of the fault and tests required.
  5. If the fault is found to be Discus Group’s responsibility, the faulty product will be collected and replacements returned to the customer entirely at Discus Group’s expense.

We cannot replace any product unless samples are first provided for investigation. Product can only be re-manufactured following an invstigation to determine the reason for the fault so a corrective action can be put in place prior to re-manufacturing.

What constitutes merchantable quality?

An item is deemed merchantable if it is reasonably fit for the ordinary purposes for which such products are manufactured and sold. We subject products to the deemed standard industry tests. If the defect is of a visual nature, is it visible when held in the hand in natural light 50cm from the eyes.  If a playing defect are copies mirrors of the original master based on CRC checks and MD5 checksums and a bit for bit testing on Scenarist or similar test systems.

Late Delivery

As a quality manufacturer delays rarely occur but we acknowledge sometimes this can occur due to any number of reasons (machine break downs, transport failures etc). While we endeavor to supply all products within a target lead time we cannot plan for unforeseen circumstances. We therefore do not offer discounts or refunds for late delivery.